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    • Sauternes & Barsac

      Sauternes & Barsac

      The region of Sauternes & Barsac are famed for their lusciously sweet wines. Sitting about 20 miles south of Bordeaux city, the regions are flanked by two rivers, the Garonne and the Ciron – these rivers encourage the morning mists which are essential to the development of the botrytis and the key to great Sauternes & Barsac. Great Sauternes & Barsac are wines that can age for years and in some cases centuries; the key to their development is the concentration of sugars and zinging acidity which hold everything in place. The jewel in the crown is, of course, Ch. d’Yquem – now owned by LVMH - it is almost unrivalled. However along with d’Yquem, properties like Ch. Coutet, Ch. Rieussec & Ch. Suduiraut are Chateaux to look out for.

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